Thursday, March 1, 2018

....and he'll NEVER BE IN A FIGHT ALONE. 😊✊🏾 .

My (1 out of πŸ’―) Mr. is sucking in his stomach, trying to show off his abs like his daddy but all you see are his little ribs. I just cut and glued one of his G-tube on me to show support for him and bring awareness. My son was born with a Congenital Heart Defect called Tetralogy of Fallot and he uses a Feeding-Tube to help with him being under weight due to him not eating orally as much as a baby. But as long as I'm breathing, I'll always support my son and he'll NEVER BE IN A FIGHT ALONE. 😊✊🏾

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Credits : @thelifeofchaceelijah

About Mohammad Naeem Ramzani

I am health blogger. As we all know health is wealth. So, I will be giving out reliable information about health which can colorful your life.


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    #niafa #neverinafightalone
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