Tuesday, February 27, 2018

...a little bit of determination, good work ethic, consistency and knowledge.

Max Aldous - As you guys may have noticed I'm a little unmotivated atm. I'm posting this to not only motivate you guys but also myself. This transformation is just under 2 years. Picture on the left is about a year and 10 months into training/working out at home and picture on the right is about a week ago. With much more knowledge of what I'm doing and how to do it. Constancy is so important because I've really had time of the gym between these two pictures excluding holidays. I've learnt so much between the two pictures. Made mistakes but also done a few things right. My knowledge for for training is constantly growing and my love/passion for it to. It's  always good to look back and see how much you've come. 
No matter if it's small or large. Progress is progress. I'm happy where I am rn. But I would like to start cutting for Croatia🤙🏻 I'm a lil chub rn😂😭 cut starts 19th I.e today. Because I go in a months time from today. If this picture doesn't get you motivated then I don't know what will! Anything can be achieved with just a little bit of determination, good work ethic, consistency and knowledge.
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 Transformation,WL, Fitness, Motivation and Love
Credits : @max_aldous

About Mohammad Naeem Ramzani

I am health blogger. As we all know health is wealth. So, I will be giving out reliable information about health which can colorful your life.


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